Monday 23 August 2010

Website update!

Finally found some time to try and improve my professional website. I mainly re-organised, but also added a page on software reviews (in a sort of blog, I guess). Other projects on the way will provide more detailed information on polyploid evolution. Have a look if you want. Since it is a project in progress, I am ready to receive tips, especially regarding the links among the different pages and the browsing experience you have.
Comments very welcome (thanks Joe, you are my only fan).


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. It would be good if enabled commenting by the general public on your software blog so that people can give you there opinion of the software.

  3. Whoops, link inserted... Yeah I wondered if you are able to comment. I can, but you have to click on the title of the blog-post first. Annoying. Working on fixing it, but don't really know how...
